The beginning of 2014 brings new hope, exciting new opportunities, and new leadership to Rochester. With a new year before us, the Rochester Love Notes team resolves to breathe new life into our mission to share a message of deep love for Rochester with a global audience. Here are our official 2014 resolutions, all brainstormed with love. Happy New Year!

In 2014, Rochester Love Notes resolves to: 

1. Rally around Rochester's first woman mayor as she takes office and leads our City into a new era
2. Forge new connections and collaborations with all the groups – large and small, nonprofit, grassroots, and otherwise – working to revitalize our City
3. Help to spread the word about re-imagining vacant properties in the City as vibrant places. Every day.
4. Support efforts to continue to bring back Downtown. By eating there. By shopping there. By walking there. And bringing friends there.
5. Be a commercial  - or “Brand Ambassador” – for our City wherever we go.

We hope you had a great holiday season, and that 2014 brings you many opportunities to embrace and fall in love with the City of Rochester, NY.

