Name: Andrew Cutillo
I am: A recent UofR graduate who got to know the city as a student, intern, volunteer, motorist, concert-goer, Wegmans patron, and more.
Years in Rochester: 4
Current home (away from home): Washington, D.C.

My Dear Rochester,

You filled my head with knowledge and you fostered in me a love of cities. You gave me conversations in cafés and music in the streets. Your oldest relics whispered to me of industry and wealth; of civil rights and equality; of culture and the arts. These voices still reverberate, from renovated concert hall to abandoned subway, and the stories they tell will always serve as the exposition from which future narrators craft their tales. 

With all my summers away, I don't know how to pin our relationship (on-again, off again?). Perhaps I have more of my own story to craft with you, perhaps not. However the plot unfolds, I am so thankful for our time together. You are truly remarkable, and you welcomed me with such open arms. You let me march in your parades, chow down in your diners, and shop in your local "Oh-wow-is-this-really-a-grocery-store?!"

I will always have a reason to return to my "beloved college home beside the Genesee," but you lend extra pull to that cause. I will continue to keep a keen eye towards your growth, and look forward to the many great things ahead for you! I remain,

Very truly yours,
Andrew Cutillo