Name: Evan Lowenstein
I am: Dad, husband, from Painted Post in the Southern Tier, eternally awestruck by nature and humanity and committed to preserving both"
Years in Rochester: 1999-2013
Current Home: Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Rochester,
I have left you but I'll always love you.
I will miss...
...the peace of Highland Park under a blanket of fresh snow
...bumping into friends at the Market shopping at the Market on a crisp fall day, coffee in hand
...the smiles and laughter of kids busting through the doors of School 23
...the kindness of my neighbors on my beloved Arlington Street beautiful--and affordable--masterpiece of an old house
...the cooling breezes off the Lake on a hot summer day
...the breathtaking beech trees
...greeting folks on their porches on a sultry summer night
...saying I share a hometown with Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony
...the civic pride and spirit that makes Rochester so special
Thank you for fourteen wonderful years. I hope I gave as much as I received.
Evan Lowenstein